Monday, April 18, 2011

Movie Monday!

Well! What a Monday! My day started off with another rainbow – woo hoo! Unfortunately I was running a little late so I didn’t snap a shot of it but it looked a lot like the one on Friday, it was just in a different spot (maybe because of the change in sunrise time?).  Such a nice little surprise to start the day/week  :)

Work was work – nothing much to note about there, other than to say I had another Chobani yogurt. Weee!! Today I tried Pomegranate and it was YUM! I really like that the flavors aren’t too over powering and that its actual fruit that I’m eating in with the yogurt. And speaking of fruit – I don’t know if it is the pears this year or me but I currently can’t get enough of them! They’re so sweet and delicious! I normally like pears but the ones I have had the past couple of days are just so good! I’m having a hard time pacing myself with the ones I just bought – I could easily wipe them out in one sitting.

At lunch I popped home quick grab some leftovers  for dinner (score one for planning ahead!) and move my kitchen table from my dining room back into my kitchen in preparation for my dining room table arrival tomorrow! SO excited!

It looks so empty right now

Hmm...need to paint that door too...haha!

Abby at Country Fest 2010
After work my friend Abby called to catch up about my vacation and her new job (!!!). I have been meaning to call her since I returned from the cruise but life keeps getting in the way! Eek. Thankfully she’s a very understanding friend. :)

Abby and I go way back to I think middle school (my memory is blanking right now!), if not middle school then definitely high school. I’m so happy we’ve stayed in touch through all the years and still make time to chat and see each other - although now when I visit her it will have the added benefit of being in sunny Florida!

Shortly I will be heading over to the Palace Theatre. I’m super excited about this because they show classic movies on the big screen for only $5!! Can you believe it?! I think that just rocks! I have wanted to go to one since I found out they did this but haven’t made my way over there until tonight (despite the fact that there have been many movies I wanted to see). So what movie am I seeing? The Ten Commandments (staring Charlton Heston and has the famous parting of the red sea scene). Probably not many people’s first choice BUT I love this movie! (Weird, I know, but I can’t help it!)

When my sister and I were younger we used to rent movies from the library and the ones we picked usually ended up being old movies. One of the ones we got was The Ten Commandments and, I don’t know why, but I thought it was such an awesome movie and have loved it ever since. I’m totally psyched about seeing it on the big screen.

That will pretty much wrap up my night since the movie is quite long and I’m sure I’ll be zonked by the time I get home. Hope everyone has a great night!

Are there any old (or any) movies that you like that are a little out of left field?

I like a bunch of them but I’ll save that for another post :)

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